In the past 10 years or so, window dealers have popped up all over the country promising a top quality replacement window installed for only $189.00. The idea of this has frustrated more than one window salesman. "How is this possible" I used to ask myself. It's simple I was once told. Low price sells. Forward thinking be damned!
The truth is that the technology necessary for a window product that can last even 10 years is more costly than $189.00. Unfortunately a "Dollar Store" mentality has permeated our psyche as consumers recently with the severe downturn in the economy. Low ball marketing companies have capitalized on this concept and made literally millions of dollars taking advantage of homeowners with an inferior product.
When something sounds too good to be true, you and I know it usually is. When you take into consideration the cost of quality vinyl composites and fasteners, glass packages, top notch sealers, and professional installation, these low prices certainly reflect a low end window, and this doesn't even take into account the cost of transporting the product or it's components, a variable that can make as much as a $50.00 difference in the cost of the product.
These discount window marketers come and go. Remember Mikey? If you live in Northeast Ohio you are probably
familiar with Regency Windows. For years the owner of the company,
"Mikey" told us he would save us "a lot" of money. Well, maybe he
did for a while but now Regency Windows is no more. They, like many of
the low dollar "$189.00 windows", have gone the way of the Yugo and the
Commodore 64. ( Too old of a reference?) Oh, well, you get the idea.
A low price can be enticing. There is an old adage that says "buy cheap, pay twice", eluding to the fact that if you buy a product that was very inexpensive but did not do what it was purchased to do then you will soon need to buy another one. I've been there and I'm sure you have too. When it comes to improving your home, don't be that person. A leaky or improperly operating window can drive you crazy. A leaky or improperly working window that you just purchased will make it worse.